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Showing posts from November 27, 2013

How to Make Windows 8 Look Like Win 7 on Your PC ??!!

do you want to look Windows 8  Like Win 7 on Your  PC?? Windows 8's home screen is headache to the many users .. the look is not that much easy like windows 7..  the microsoft's this new OS has been facilitated by such a complicated features which we users are not used to from past twenty years.. here you can take it in your hands too.. Here's how to start Windows 8.1 into Desktop mode -- bypassing the new, improved tile-based look -- plus a couple of other tricks Upgrade to win 8.1 free(If You Haven't Already) Step 1:  first of all make of all your files in some external hard drive.. Step 2:  click on the Store tile on the Start page. Step 3:  Choose the free Windows 8.1 Update and select Download. Allow the update to proceed and complete. Then restart the PC and sign in. Configure the Desktop Startup: Step 1:  Launch the Desktop from the Start page by clicking on the tile labeled Desktop. Step 2:  Right-click on the Taskbar. Step 3:  Choose

Article of the day: Light-powered screen could mean mobiles never run out of battery!!

There is a technology that you can save your location if you lost or send even text messages after your battery dies. But how about that if your phone's battery never discharge as it is charging all the time.   It sounds good but it is true the technology behind it is Wysips that converts both artificial light and sunlight into electricity to make your phone alive all day long( actually even more). Wysips crystal technology converts artificial light and solar power into electricity that can be used to keep a phone permanently charged. Sheets of crystals, pictured, can be fitted to the screens of devices and are able to convert 10 minutes of light exposure into four minutes of extra battery life It uses light collecting crystals that can be fitted into the top or beneath of the screens of mobile, tablets, camera even to your laptops. At the early stage this can convert 10 minutes of exposure to 4 minutes of battery life.  Last month, SunPartner and