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Showing posts from January 6, 2014

How to create a movie using picasa..!!

                                Here i am telling you how to create your own movie which is quite interesting and worth praising among your friendcircle.. It's quite simple and easy method to create your own movie.. It will require some nice video capturing and pics of yours with the help of which you can create one too..!!                                                                                                                                        -shubham negi Here i am using picasa version 3 !! >Create a new folder (here i am making "movi" folder).. to create new folder use ctrl+shift+n .. >select your files and paste them into "movi" folder.. >now open picasa and drag one file of "movi folder" into picasa.. >the whole folder will get updated there.. >select create movie presentation from above it as shown in the figure.. >now go to slide option and you can add te

How to make Galaxy Gear a hit in new year 2014??

Samsung's Galaxy Gear was not a hit as's few things to make it a success this year!!