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Showing posts from August 24, 2013

4G technology....!!

4G   Technology     What is 4G technology ?? When we talk about 4G, question comes to our mind is what is this technology all about . 4G is short for Fourth (4th) Generation Technology . it is basically the extension in the 3G technology with more bandwidth and services offers in the 3G. But at this time nobody exactly knows the true 4G definition . Some people say that 4G technology is the future technologies that are mostly in their maturity period. The expectation for the 4G technology is basically the high quality audio/video streaming over end to end Internet Protocol. If the Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia sub-system movement achieves what it going to do, nothing of this possibly will matter. WiMAX or mobile structural design will become progressively more translucent, and therefore the acceptance of several architectures by a particular network operator ever more common.                                               Now airtel 4g dongles are available