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Showing posts from January 12, 2014

Apple iOS 7 v/s Android KitKat 4.4 v/s Window's 8..

Apple iOS 7 Features 1. iPhone/iPad can read your head Using iOS 7, the front facing camera can detect head movement to control the phone.   2. A flash of light for alerts If you somehow never hear your phone or feel its vibration, this feature could be exactly what you need. LED Flash alerts shine a bright light whenever an alarm goes off on your device.  3. Shake your phone to undo an email delete In case you accidently delete a message, you can easily retrieve it again by shaking your iPhone. It will give you the option to undo your selection. 4. Camera burst mode The camera app on the iOS 7 has been redesigned to take multiple shots at once. Just click and hold the "up" volume button. 5. Siri can read your emails Siri can read your emails out loud indicating the sender, time, and subject. To access this feature, hold down the home button and just say "read my emails." Android 4.4 KitKat Features 1. Hangout