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4G technology....!!

4G   Technology  


What is 4G technology??

When we talk about 4G, question comes to our mind is what is this technology all about. 4G is short for Fourth (4th) Generation Technology. it is basically the extension in the 3G technology with more bandwidth and services offers in the 3G. But at this time nobody exactly knows the true 4G definition. Some people say that 4G technology is the future technologies that are mostly in their maturity period. The expectation for the 4G technology is basically the high quality audio/video streaming over end to end Internet Protocol. If the Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia sub-system movement achieves what it going to do, nothing of this possibly will matter. WiMAX or mobile structural design will become progressively more translucent, and therefore the acceptance of several architectures by a particular network operator ever more common.
Now airtel 4g dongles are available there in market in india. this technology is new in our country. it will provide a new direction of advancement to our country.

Many Technologies appear in many different flavours and have many diverse tags attached to them, but that does not really indicate that they are moving in dissimilar tracks. The technologies that fall in the 4G categories are UMTS, OFDM, SDR, TD-SCDMA, MIMO and WiMAX to the some extent.

4G Technology offers high data rates that will generate new trends for the market and prospects for established as well as for new telecommunication businesses. 4G networks, when tied together with mobile phones with in-built higher resolution digital cameras and also High Definition capabilities will facilitate video blogs.

After successful implementation, 4G technology is likely to enable ubiquitous computing, that will simultaneously connects to numerous high date speed networks offers faultless handoffs all over the geographical regions. Many network operators possibly utilize technologies for example; wireless mesh networks and cognitive radio network to guarantee secure connection & competently allocates equally network traffic and bandwidth.

Some of the companies trying 4G mobile communication at 100 Mbps for mobile users and up to 1 Gbps over fixed stations. They planned on publicly launching their first commercial wireless network around 2010. As far as other competitor’s mobile communication companies working on 4G technology even more quickly. Sprint Nextel was planned to launch WiMAX over 4G broadband mobile network in United States. Some of the other developed countries like United Kingdom stated a plan to sale via auction of 4G mobile frequencies couple of years back. The word “MAGIC” also refers to 4G technology which stands for Mobile multimedia, Any-where, Global mobility solutions over, Integrated wireless and Customized services.

With 4G mobile technology around the corner it is difficult to imagine how we were able to go around our everyday lives without mobile communication speeds of up to 100Mbps. Not only will 4G improve mobile communication, it will likely positively impact wireless technology for online gaming and internet browsing in the home. If you want to test the capability of 4G technology in the online gaming industry visit and download their latest software for the ultimate gaming experience. Visit them on your 4G compatible mobile device and experience the 4G technology.


How 4G Works

How 4G Technology Works

As the need for communication rather fastest communication is the foremost priority of present era also the need of quick data transfer. Distant business correspondence by sharing data becomes very important. Ever growing technology is the example of one such step towards the fastest transmission of data. 4G stands for Fourth Generation is the latest technology with high speed transferability of data with security measurements. It is coming with wireless broadband for the instant download.

Talking about the standard of 4G technology, still not defined as set standard, two technologies are supposed to be the based features of 4G.
ITU promotes the technologies against the defragmentation and incompatibilities in 4G technologies.

WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access previously worked as fixed wireless facility under the 802.16e band. Now the modified standard 802.16m has been developed with the properties of speed, wide spectrum, and increase band.
4G has an advantage of having the WiMAX as a product because IEEE introduces and releases it already therefore economic as no need to pay for its manufacturing price. 4G supports two basic equipments;
  • WiMAX Network system (network infrastructure)
  • mobile phone set
Smartphones with Wireless Access are going to be introduced in the market are the model 4G mobiles. These smartphone are equipped with the wireless internet accessibility and no fear of losing connection while travel from one tower to another tower range.

Based on the IP wireless connectivity, it increases the optimization for the internet. It manages the voice through packet-switching instead of circuit switching. Internet connectivity with specific IP not only increases the speed but also reliability of the sending and receiving of data.

During a phone call when caller send the information by connecting to WiMAX network, this information first processed to the internet home and then spread widely. Most of the time this transmission happens very fast problems arise in case of spectrum, bandwidth and data. In case spectrum is not wide, shorten bandwidth and specific data carries through the internet. Arrival of 4G has diminished all the fears of lower bandwidth, narrow spectrum and amount of data send / receive. This WiMAX technology has a high speed of data transfer rate with additional capacity for the subscribers and ready to carry big amount of data. Previous generations were suffering because of low speed which ultimately covered in the 4G.


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