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fords set for the driverless cars !!

fords set for the driverless cars !!
Fusion Hybrid Research Vehicle

Ford's thinking for driverless car will be projected in many in many stages.. cars travelling in the same direction can connect to each other giving more denser patterns in themselves.. in longer, htey will have capabilties of self automatically parking and navigation system.
                                                                                                       -shubham negi

Ford unveiled its Fusion Hybrid Research Vehicle, an ongoing research project on autonomous cars and other driving technologies that can help making more safer roads and with less traffic problems.

the new research plan of ford's autonomus cars will give a new era of driver less cars having a intelligent setup and more smarter transportation system. the company has been contacting to other firms and universities further to togetherly achieve this project.
this car consists of basic components having all those features which are out there in market.. but this consists of new cylindrical LiDAR detectors on it's vehicle's roof. Those sensors hace functionality of collecting and processing data of it's nearby environment -- scanning around 2.5 million times per sec to create a real-time 3D map of it's surroundings.
this detailed 3-D projections will provide a more accurate and smarter decisions making skill to the car
helping in the maintanig the fuel compensation rate and reduce down human driving errors(collisions and congested roadways)
a brighter future... 
Ford's autonomous vehicle is a long term research project having alots of research to be done in it..
as the future seems bright with this technology will provide cars following all traffic can complete his work and do all the stuffs he wanna do..the old peoples are prohibited from driving or those who are unable to that will be able to go anywhere..
as the top priority will remains "safety".. there should be more perfect transport system..less accidents,no false drivings and safer journey..
Long-Term Research
it's a long term target for them to achieve this.. this is the new future of automobiles.. there is lot to do to disapprove the all the arguments about it.. the vehicle will be able to see 360 degree so as to give more safer driving..  the sen of its should not get distracted or tired.. because it will be playing a hero role in this inventory project..
further the company will seek to slash down the prices of this autonomous future car.. hope the company ford get it's target by the time soon..


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