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Repair broken screen !!

Does your smartphone or tablet contains cracks all over it.. you can repair it easily just by following these concepts..!!  it's quiet easy and cheap to get it replaced .. you can try it too.. i have tried a little bit hand on this!!

you generally have faced a case in  which your screen gets broke on felling down..!! i have tried a little bit it's far much better than buying a branded screen from the store nearby.. at least you can give a try!!
first get a basic look and the configuration setup of your smartphone .. generallyy it includes a back cover, motherboard-containing frame, LCD-containing chassis, LCD, front frame, and the touch-sensitive glass sandwich --> called digitizer.
Tools required:
 small screwdrivers,
 a heat gun,
double-sided adhesive tape, 
canned air, 
work gloves and two dinner-table bowls to keep screws from getting lost.
Replacement digitizers can be obtained from  sites like eBay..!

The Teardown begins here..

1:  remove the back cover and remove the battery.
 2: remove any stuck-on cabling that is now exposed, like the camera cable, for example. Then remove cables if the clasps are exposed. These cables simply slide out of any exposed sockets after clasps are released.
note: The tape-style cables are often held onto the frame and parts by adhesive, so tug gently to release.
 3: Unscrew the Phillips or Torx screws that hold your motherboard-containing back frame to the LCD-containing chassis and place the screws safely.
Tip: There can be lots of screws inside so keep them safely that can be re-attatched easily.
 4: Separate back frame from the chassis by gently and carefully pulling them apart.
Tip: Perform a visual check for any hidden, unremoved screws if you detect resistance. Look for any hidden cables that connect the glass to the LCD-containing chassis and remove if necessary.
 5: Remove any further cable assemblies that have become exposed by the separation of parts.
note: Maintain visual cues as to which cable to reattach where. For example, place them on the work surface face-up in the order of removal.
 6: Remove the LCD-containing chassis from the front frame or bezel and glass assembly by unscrewing a second batch of screws.
(Store the second set of screws in a second bowl. Remove any further parts such as the camera.)
Tip: Don't touch LCD face.
 7: Separate the existing, damaged glass from the bezel or front frame by waving the heat gun over the adhesive join and pulling apart. Wear gloves here because you can further break the glass.
note: Be patient while the heat gun loosens the adhesive and be careful not to break the bezel or front frame while removing the glass -- you will need the bezel intact.

Replacing the Screen phase

1: Attach fresh two-sided tape to areas of the bezel that have lost their glueness. Don't allow tape to overcome the visual area of the glass.
2: check for any foam padding or seals and reattach.
 3: Thread the digitizer cable and remount the new digitizer glass to the bezel by firmly pressing it into right place.
(clean the glass before attaching it..)
note: avoid touching the glass. it's  hard to remove them..

Finally, Reassemble

now finally reattatched all the parts like camera etc.
note: attatch the components with care.. don,t make it hasty have a good assembly of the parts..!!

any problems about attachment

Is there any piece of tech you'd like to know how to operate properly? Is there a gadget that's got you confused? Please send your tech questions to me, and I'll try my best to answer it!!


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