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Making android faster!!

Slowing down the smartphone is a common problem for all of us. This problem occurs because of data accumulation on your device, by you and the installed  apps which are juicing up your memory.

So, let me give you some tips to speed up your smartphone:

1.Drop the unused apps

Uninstall the unused app after taking their backup. The installed apps in your android are so smart that they does not take your permission to run or use your memory  or even internet data. Kick out such apps which are sitting in your menu over a month and you are not using them.

2. Clean the cache files

Periodically clear the cache files of your browser and even of your messenger. There is an app named EASY CACHE CLEANER which scans your phone and clean up the cache files.

3. Backup your data periodically

Backup your data periodically like your photos, music and videos etc. that you shoot on your holidays onto your hard drive or on cloud storage. This will reduce the scan time done by your phone when you switch it on.

4. Delete the old messages and emails

Spruce up your old messages and emails from inbox that are just wasting your phone's memory or you can take their backup.

5. Prefer smarter Browser

Move to Smarter Browser like Opera Mini that compresses the pages 10% of their actual size before it lands on your phone. This will gives you a faster browsing and saves your internet data.

6. Don't store the damaged files

Never store any damaged file or app on your phone as it may reduce your phone's speed and time to time defragment your SD-card.


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