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What “Jelly” will do for you….!!

What “Jelly” will do for you….

Jelly, a new Social Q&A App Was Released on 7th of January, 2014.
This App Emphasizes on Using Friends and Photos To Answer Questions.
 Most Ratings on iTunes are Positive but According to Critics the App is “Pretty but Pointless”.
This App was Co-founded by Biz Stone, one of the founders of Twitter.

The Crowded World of Social Media Apps got Squeezed a Bit Tighter with the introduction of Jelly on the 7th of January.
This App Focuses on photos And Friends to find Answers that may not fit into Google Search as “Which Type of Fruit is this?” This Technology isn’t new. But it’s thought that Jelly makes this Fun while finding answers Faster. Its Dedicated Social Search App is free of News Feed and timeline Clutter, still allowing you to use your Social Network.

Using Jelly Is Simple. Open App and Connect to Your Social Site and You will be Straightly Prompted to look through Pending Questions. Users can Add Links and Draw on Photo before sharing Questions with Others. You will be Asking Questions and Receiving Answers from Friends as well as Friends of Friends. Questions are also shared outside App and can be answered by people even who don’t use Jelly. The Answers thus are shown as “Forwarded by…”.
Users can also Rate Answers to their own Questions, and to other Users' Questions, as "Good," and send virtual "Thank-You Cards" to Helpful Respondents.
It’s hoped to be a Success.


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