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The Invisible Guardian

Isn't it uncomfortable with a helmet to ride on a bike? "The helmet" which acts like 'brain cage' making your hair's sort of clumsy and the unflatterd chin because of the straps,the general discomfort as its bulky and totally making you look kinda dumb and ugly.

"Terese Alstin" and "Anna Haupt" two industrial designer students at Lund University are up with a solution to your problem with the 'invisble helmet'. The revolutionary solution that does manage to give you full head protection without, remarkably, wearing anything on your head.It's an air bag - one that's tucked away in a collar that rider fastened around their neck. When the collar's internal sensors detect a specific combination of jerks and jags signifying "ACCIDENT HAPPENING" the air bag deploys, sending out a head-hugging, air-cushion hood in a tenth of a second.

The pair began to work on the device in 2005 when they were studying Industrial Design at Sweden’s University of Lund. Over the next seven years the pair engineered, refined and tested the collar, which can monitor movements more than 200 times a second using an inbuilt computer, sensors and gyro. With this new technology the designer's are surely gonna replace the  uncomfortable helmets (styrofoam-and-plastic turtle shells ). So now there's no need of the old fashioned helmets. Just put on the scarf and the device is up for your protection.

The gadget is designed after simulation of all known accidents, i.e from an icy road crash to getting hit by a car.
The air pressure remains constant for several milliseconds in the Hovding bike helmet allowing rider to withstand multiple head impacts during the same accident before it starts to deflate. It’s actually three or four times better in terms of shock absorbance and that’s the most important factor. It covers more of the head - including the entire neck - than traditional helmets. The pair have also come up with a series of fashionable color designs for the collar,and the gadget is available online for 399 Euros ($536).


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