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Vlc media player

As per my personnal experience from past 5-6 years this is the most trusty media player which I can trust upon to play any video.. it can play 3gp to full hd and even built and repair the broken crashed videos.. adding more there regular updates which are easily to download.. the setup is hardly(20-25 m.b)
It’s short-cut key controls:

1. common controls of vlc>>
SpacePause or play movie
VSubtitles on/off (or s)
BAudio track cycle
Ctrl+Arrow Up/Ctrl+Arrow DownVolume

2. Mouse controls>
Double clickFullscreen
ScrollVolume or Position (see settings)
Right clickLocal menu (play controls, audio/video)

3. Movie Navigation>>
Ctrl+DOpen disc menu
Ctrl+FOpen folder (browse folder menu)
Ctrl+R/Ctrl+SAdvanced open file
Ctrl+Oopen single file(s)
Mmute and unmute audio
Pplay movie (from the very beginning)
Sstop movie
EscExit full screen mode
[+]/-/=Faster, slower, normal
Aaspect ratio
CCrop screen
G/HDecrease subtitle delay / Increase subtitle delay
J/KDecrease audio delay / Increase audio delay
ZChange zoom mode
Ctrl+1Ctrl+2Ctrl+3,Ctrl+4Recent media (in Media - Recent media menu)
TShow time
Ctrl+TGoto time

4. Jump in playback
Shift+Arrow Left/Arrow RightVery short jump (3 seconds)
Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightShort jump (10 seconds)
Ctrl+Arrow Left/Arrow RightMedium jump (1 minute)
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Left/Arrow RightLong jump

5. Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands
Ctrl+HHide / unhide controls
Ctrl+PPreferences/ interface settings
Ctrl+EAdjustments and audio/video effects
Ctrl+BEdit bookmarks
Ctrl+MOpen messages
Ctrl+NOpen network
Ctrl+COpen captue device
Ctrl+LOpen playlist
Ctrl+YSave playlist
Ctrl+I/Ctrl+JMedia information
Alt+AOpen audio menu
Alt+HOpen help menu
Alt+MOpen media menu
Alt+POpen playlist menu
Alt+TOpen tool menu
Alt+VOpen video menu
Alt+LOpen playback menu
DShow movie path
NPlay next movie from playlist
F1Show Help
F11Window full-screen (not equal to pressing F)
Alt+F4Alt+q or Ctrl+QQuit VLC

**Added feature which provides user advanced controls to change the audio track with just simply pressing ‘B’ there..


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