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5 apps to have in android smartphone!!

You might be having a smartphone which is smart enough to make you feel relaxed but when it comes to a more smarter level then it's something different... There’s no lack of good options available from Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola and others. No matter what Android phone you might have unwrapped.

Here are the 5 things to do with your new smartphone to make it smarter >>

1>> Pick up a suitable keyboard from google play store>>  "keyboard"

but we recommend you for swift keyboard, this apps uses word prediction with a combination of intelligence that will check your personal typings from facebook messages,gmail or twitter etc. apart from this it is the best third party app of keyboard available to you !!
Download:   swift keyboard 

 2>> The camera app should be there >> "camera"
 there are many to have as camera app but the best one to have to take your photography to next level is VSCO camera app. The basic imaging tools are top-notch and can vastly improve photos which can be shared directly to various social networking sites. Finds place to store those photos in the cloud. Dropbox and Google+ and many others, and even offers automatic photo backup 
Download: vsco camera.

3>> Unleash a watch-dog on your mobile data>>  app

 There are lots of app available to maintain your net data usage to avoid making you overuse the net usage !!
The best app for it is onavo count app. It compresses data so you can get surf online more by using less data.
Download: onavo count app

4>> Suitable antivirus >>  antivirus

It's a much needed things to do when you start using a android. as you must be connecting to your p.c or might be sharing files with your friend it can leads to sharing of viruses.
avast antivirus is the best one you can have from the store for  free.. It will also filter up your net activities and adding any viruses from online content.
Download: avast antivirus

5>> Making it your personal assistant >>  

The assistant is really a helpful app that awaits for your commands_answers your questions,performing your tasks,reminds you about important events and make your daily routine a much easier !!

Download: assistant


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