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He-lectricity - electricity from a hurricane..

Have you ever thought of capturing a beast...or i should say the mother of beast. ??? Well, it might be very productive !! Let me tell you how .. if a "Hurricane" The one eyed monster, causing damage of $1090 million to the mankind in the past if could be harnessed in a single cell, it could run the whole United States for a year or so. So far, experts haven't collected energy from these storms, but the idea has potential if we somehow develop cost-effective technology to do it.

 Hurricanes storms are known as cyclones in some place and produce massive amounts of energy i.e 200 times the world's electrical generating capacity at the same moment. Now the point is how to generate energy?? As we know Hurricanes are large, spiraling tropical storms that can pack wind speeds of over 160 miles an hour and unleash more than 2.4 trillion gallons of rain a day and blah blah ... and it rotate's in a counter-clockwise direction around the eye. The rotating storm clouds create the "eye wall”, which is the most destructive part of the storm. If we place a massive  turbine on the shores of the water bodies and a giant windmill at the land fixed hard enough to the motherland that it can bear an impact of 160 mph or above easily we could do so , But as the path and origination of the cyclone isn't fixed so we could try making these machines mobile i.e whenever a hurricane originates in the water body the impact path is calculated and the machines are placed according to the conclusions.

 It's obvious that we could not move with these heavy machines everywhere but we must not lose hope, as the energy if once stored can help this world in a lot many ways. 40 percent of the hurricanes that occur in the United States hit Florida so if the machines are placed in Florida there might be a great possibility that one day we could capture the wind's and use them in our favor .
The power generation isn't that difficult if the nation's unite the main problem is how to store this massive energy .We could possibly use massive batteries but the heat generated is very very high which even today's technology isn't capable of processing so we must discuss over this and find a way to store this high energy.
Yeah! the conclusion is we can't use the hurricanes still but what if we artificially develop a smaller one....... 



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