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Mac's Secrets!!

Did you know even your operating device had secrets which it hid it from you !!! .... Anyways No problem, the secrets are about the revel. I've discovered a few of them which you can try on your OS and make your mac more productive


OS X has built-in screenshot functionality, which you can run by pressing the following key combinations :

  • For fullscreen screenshot press ⌘+Shift+3 
  • For fullscreen screenshot to clipboard press ⌘+Shift+Ctrl+3 
  • For a self commanding screenshot press ⌘+Shift+4
Hit “esc” or ⌘+Period to cancel
The default is png, but you can replace this with jpg, pdf, tiff, etc.
To change the default location of the screenshot file, type the following into Terminal:
defaults write location /Users/Kandpal's/Documents/Screenshots
killall SystemUIServer
Just replace the path with your own desired destination.

2.Animation Slow-Mo

For a small entertainment Hold down shift while minimizing a window. I usually do it so as to impress the people sitting around.

3.Quick Math

First type the numbers you would like to perform the operation on, say 7*75. Now select the text and hit ⌘+Shift+8 , the answer might be on your screen till now.


To open the volume controls easily without searching your mac and wasting your time press Option+Volume Controls and if you wanna adjust the volume in very small fragments like 1/4 of the original fragment then try
1. Shift+Option+Volume Keys
If you want Volume adjustment without the Clicking Sound press: Shift+Volume Keys

5.Quick Googling

Just select some text and hit ⌘+⇧+L to jump to the Google search results in Safari.

6.Cut Copy Paste and Undo

Everyone might be aware of these but still sharing it for those who don't
For cut press : control+k
For copy press : command+c
For paste press : command+v
For undo press : control+y or command+z

7.FTP with Finder

⌘+K (Menu: Go>Connect to Server)
This will give you a window to type in the address of the server you want to access. Just precede the address with ftp:// and you’re good to go.

8.Downloading from YouTube

This one is a gem. Ever wanted to download a YouTube video to watch later? No need to purchase third party applications or plugins, this feature comes built right into Safari. Start the video in Safari and hit ⌘+Opt-a to bring up the activity window. Then simply find the largest file (usually multiple MB) and double click it.
This trick usually results in an .flv video file. If you want an .mp4, try appending your YouTube url with &fmt=18 or &fmt=22 to get an HD mp4.

There are many more that are still to be revealed .. if you are aware of some just feel free to be post them in the comments below.


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