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Robo-blood donation force !!

How much it pains when a mosquito sucks blood from you ?? It doesn't affects us much.. I agree it irritates us alot sometimes but if this procedure is done to do a noble job then?? Then it will be going to be fine for all..
The main idea is that creating small robotics insects which are 180 degree opposite to the normal ones.. they will serve a great purpose for all..

It will be in certain phases >>

First of all we will require a large force of mini-robo machines which will be the main part of this process.. They should be capable of flying a great distance and having a target system of qualified system.. There sucker part should be designed such that it doesn't hurts anyone or disturbs anyone. The work should be silent and calm another thing it will be requiring the amount of blood it takes out.. The amount will be very minute nearly 2-3 ml per week for a person. The machines should be that much smart that they can recognize everyone separately. Further they are going to test every person's blood to check out for the diseases which are communicable in nature.

Second phase will be >> The pipe through which it sucks blood should be very fine such that it doesn't make any harm to the individual plus the  needle of the machine should get filtered or distilled by any means.. Such a safe transaction procedure should be there which will be creating no problem among the people.

Third phase will be going to be >>  Collecting the blood in a one place from these tiny machines are also to be going to be complicated.. Different blood groups should be kept differently for this the machines should be such a smart that it can detect the type of blood and can keep them separately.

In this government has to play a vital role because understanding people about it.. Further people has to be user friendly with these small flying machines..!!

The lazy guys who doesn't donate just because of join far or those who feel it waste of time such a problem will not be there.. Plus the little weakness and the pain given is also not there..

Why it is important to donate ????
Out of every 10 people only 4 are eligible and out of 4 only 1 volunteers for the donation.. moreover out of every 7 people who goes to hospital 1 needs blood to save life.. plus your 3 teaspoons blood can save life of a baby..  and most important >> under best conditions blood lasts for only 42 days!!

So be a part of this.. A idea of young mind but alott within... do write me about any queries it will be welcomed >>>


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