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Tech-tatto : New level of benifits

Do you love tattoo work on your body?? Crazy about it?? Now if i will  add some technical part with it, some benefits some reasons to have it by adding some technology behind it.. Yes here i will show you the way to add all the goodness  with it..

First of all tattoo work is a art done on the body.. Can increase your beauty increasing your body sex appeal but it doesn't ends here there are lots of risk connected with it one can get infected easily if the syringes are infected and not changed. I know there are lots of person associated with it who wants to get tattooed all over and artists for whom doing this art is life but.................... Allot can be learned and done by this tattoo work art !!

NOW THE NEW IDEA  which is going to change the entire scenario.. >>
We are going to make this tech-tattoo as a gadget which is slimmest of all. Under this art a lot of mystery is going to be hidden!

There can be many ways to get started >

1. Installing the tech-tattoo from birth(compulsory):
>> With the starting of a new-born life the health concerns are connected with it. Now according to the tech-tattoo it will be installed on the body of the baby . Now you must be thinking that if the tattoo will look ugly or the baby will dislike it.. hmm.. There's a solution for it this tattoo will be just like a transparent layer hard to find out by the person itself. You must be knowing about how thin is your tattoo it's just like your skin(very thin). there will be very thin fibers going to your blood through your pores connecting your blood with the tattoo and rest is the benefits we can take out.

There will be a lot  of benefits associated:

The individual health report can be checked without going to the labs for the blood test. All the diseases can be checked out by the software ( tattoo-DOC) which will be connected all time with your tattoo work. Giving you out all the details,reports ,facts and figures you should be knowing. Advanced health reports will be there. The requirements for the labs will not be there. The reports of your blood sample will be there in your system with the help of the software without sucking your blood out.

We can generate unique ID's with the help of checking out for the DNA's and then generating a unique identity which further is going to stop many problems out there.. Such as we can check out for the individuality easily using it. But here government full support is required in making it compulsory for all as it is not harming us at all and even supporting us by giving us medical assurance.

3. Tracing >>
Tracing can be done in the sense of finding out your missing ones or it can be done by the cops for checking out for the criminals or tracing out them.

2. Installing it to volunteered ones: 

>>These all features mentioned above are  if not implemented compulsory can be done on the individuals demand !

Making it more advanced we can make it a screen which is fully touched. Really this can be done . We can imagine of a screen on your wrist. A screen which is around weight-free !!
You can imagine a new world just like a tattoo work !!

The tattoo work can be taken to another level. I know it's little bit laughing or we can say little out of reach but that is it. That's our future.. It's is the thing which is going to make us really smarter !!


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