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wet smartphone best save method

Fingers crossed, worried about your smartphone??? Is i am right that's the situation when you get your smartphone dipped in the water.. but now i am here with the must do things with your smartphone to get it back alive !!
The hair dryer technique or the common rice sack method is too old for your smart smartphone!!
Try saving your smartphone but if it happens these are the things to get focused on !!

 These steps are to be followed for your smartphone rebirth !! >> -- >>


Step 1: Without wasting any time, turn off your phone or disassemble it. Do this within seconds of the accident --( even before you try to make it dry from any cloth).
The goal is to cut the power before any water has a chance to hit the circuits.

**REASONS : The entry of water in your smartphone can short circuit it's internal circuits !!

Step 2. Dry the outside of the phone with a towel, paying close attention to any ports, speakers, and microphones.
Disassemble parts -- like the SIM card and battery -- and dry them, too.

Step 3. Place the smartphone in a storage bag, along with a handful of silica gel packets. These are desiccants often found in new products (like shoes and bags), along with some grocery items (like beef jerky). They're designed to be very efficient at absorbing moisture.
Collect them as you find them for emergencies like these. Or, you can order silica gel packets online.

Step 4. Wait 72 hours. This is probably the hardest part. the patience is to be there unless whole things will be going to be flopped up .

Step 5. Power your phone on. Three days have passed, giving the  time to absorb the moisture. If you did everything right, your phone should be back in business.

Rest i hope that this thing never happen with you because i have suffered a lot from it remainig away from your closed ones!! Hope this article finds good for you !!


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